Prof. LI Zenghua - School of Earth Sciences


    LI Zenghuamale, Professor, PhD Supervisor, Selected as a young Jinggang Scholar in Jiangxi Province and an innovative leading talent in Jiangxi Province's 'Double Thousand Plan.' Has led over 10 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation projects. Serves as a committee member of the Chinese Geological Society's Data-Driven and Geoscience Development Professional Committee, a council member of the Chinese Society of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry, and a youth editor of 'Geotectonica et metallogenia.' Published over 40 papers in journals such as 'Economic Geology,' 'Mineralium Deposita,' and 'Ore Geology Reviews' in the field of ore deposit. ( 86-13672220312)


 Contact: 86-13672220312