School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering

Our school, established in 1958, is distinguished in Nuclear Electronics and its Intelligent Instruments, Application of Embedded System, Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuit Design, Advanced Control and Intelligent Equipment, Military Industry and New Energy Machinery, and Advanced Manufacturing. We offer three master programs in Electronic Science and Technology, Control Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, and fourbachelor programs in Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Information Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, and Automation. The discipline of Electronic Science and Technology is rated as the Key Discipline and the Cultivating Discipline for First-class Disciplines of Jiangxi Province. The bachelor program of the Electronic Information Engineering is granted as the provincial sample program and the national excellent engineer construction project. As of 2019, there are 1,950 undergraduates and 70 postgraduates studying in the school. We have been developing Sino-foreign cooperation bachelor program in Mechanical Engineering  with Athlon Institute of Technology.


Our school has 130 full-time staff members, including 40 professors and associate professors, and 33 professors with doctorate degrees. We have two provincial level Scientific Research Teaching Groups: Nuclear Energy Security and Radiation Monitoring Technology and Instrument Innovation Group, and Advanced Polymer Materials and Processing Innovation Group.

Talent Cultivation

We are devoted to giving students strong practical and innovative abilities, solid theoretical foundation, and a wide range of knowledge. We have founded the School-Enterprise Cooperation Bases with a dozen well-known enterprises in China as the practice platforms for students’ extracurricular science and technology activities.


Our school has established a sound teaching-research platform with discipline specialties, including a ministerial Research Center of Nuclear Technology Application Engineering, a provincial Nuclear Radiation Detection and Application Engineering Technology Research Center, and a provincial Research Center of New Energy Technology and Equipment Engineering. To guarantee the teaching quality, our school has established a Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Center, an Electrical and Electronic Experiment Center, and an Engineering Training Center. Moreover, we established several teaching practice bases in Beijing and Shanghai and built up other bases as a way to cooperate with enterprises in the fields of mechanical and electronic engineering.


In recent years, the school has undertaken about 140 research projects in topics such as advanced polymer molding technology and equipment, nuclear geoscience detection and modern sensing technology, control theory and application, nuclear electronics circuit and system design, and semiconductor material fabrication and device design.These projects mostly have been funded by various national organizations: Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, and Chinese Ministry of Education.

Based on these features, the teachers have been granted 28 national invention patents and 104 utility model patents. Furthermore, they have published 3 academic monographs andmore than 100 international academic papers, 74 of which are collected by SCI and EI.

International Exchange

Our school has actively engaged with leading institutions around the world to foster faculty and student exchange and improve research training and collaboration.More than 30 key teachers have participated in research exchange and training abroad in countries such as France, America, Japan,Ireland, and Australia. We have also undertaken joint program withAthlone Institute of Technology for promoting international educational resources to our students. Furthermore, in order to keep up-to-date with recent scientific developments, we have invited some noted experts and scholars to lecture in our school. Moreover, Research Center of New Energy Technology and Equipment Engineering in our school has reached the consensus for international project cooperation with Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines on the research and application demonstration of leased solar power generation technology in Cambodia.


Our school has gained great achievements in terms of talents cultivation, student research and social service. In regards to talent cultivation, students have achieved excellence in different national multi-disciplinary competitions. In regards to student research, students actively engage in the teachers research projects and have published academic papers and been granted patents. In regards to social service, many outstanding alumni have good reputations in their professions. Some notable alumni have established software companies and served as senior administrators and technicians in national and foreign enterprises.  


Mechanical Engineering

Core Courses: Principle of Mechanics, Hydraulic Transmission and Control

Electronic and Information Engineering

Core Courses: Signal and System, Theory and Application of a Chip Microprocessor

Electronic Science and Technology

Core Courses: Semiconductor Physics, Design of Verilog Digital System


Core Courses: Fundamentals of Control Theory, Automatic Control System