School of Science

Our school, founded in 2011, consists of Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Department of Statistics, Department of Information Technology, College Mathematics Teaching Department, College Physics Teaching Department, Physics Experimental Teaching Center, Experimental Teaching Center of Mathematics and Information Science, and Institute of Science and Engineering Computing. The construction of the Parallel Computing Laboratory under the Experimental Teaching Center of Mathematics and Information Science is funded by the Ministry of Finance. We offer sixmaster programs in Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Operational Research and Cybernetics, and Basic Mathematics, and fivebachelor programs in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Information and Computing Science, Statistics, Information Management and Information System, and Physics. Presently, there are about 1,200 undergraduates and postgraduates studying in the school (as of 2019).


Our school has a team of 105 staff members, including 36 professors and associate professors, and 42 staff members with doctorates. We emphasize faculty development planning and put a high value on teamwork. We have the Computer Graphics and Image Teaching Team of Jiangxi Province, the University-level Basic Computer Knowledge Teaching Group, and the Multimedia Software Engineering Innovation Group. Some well-known scholars were hired as part-time professors, including the Winner of National Outstanding Youth Fund, the head of Key National Fund Projects, and the State-level Master Teacher. We established two university-level teaching groups of Mathematics and Physics, and the university level research group of Scientific Computing and Optimization. In the past three years, young teachers have won three second-class national prizes, three first-class provincial prizes, five second-class university level prizes and two third-class university level prizes in lecture competitions.

Talent Cultivation

Based on the long-term teaching activities, we emphasize both on theory and practice, and promoting both quality training and professional ability to realize the organic combination of students’ all-round development and personality development. We are devoted to cultivating talents with solid theoretical foundation, wide range of knowledge, strong practical and innovative abilities to meet the increasing demands of the social development. Our graduates can enter a career of research, teaching, application development and management in the enterprises and institutions related to mathematics, information science and technology, software development and insurance, and financial institutions.


We havetwo teaching centers: Experimental Teaching Center for Physics and Experimental Teaching Center for Mathematics and Information Science. Until now, based on the mode of school-college cooperation, resource sharing and trusteeship management, our school has established 24 university-enterprises practice bases in different cultivation directions. We have founded practice bases in GEM Software, ZTE Software Technology (Nanchang) Co., Ltd., and Nanjing DongSoft Talent Training Center for enhancing students practical ability of software development. We have also established off-campus education practice bases with Zhejiang Nath Education Technology Co., Ltd., Nanchang Jiuzhou Education for satisfyingthe needs of practical teaching in all the majors of the school.  


In recent years, our lecturers have undertaken more than 30 projects with significant achievements, most of which are funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province and so on. Moreover, the teachers have achieved a lot of scientific achievements such as scientific achievements awards, over 10 academic monographs andmore than 300 high-level academic papers publication.

International Exchange

We have actively engaged in international cooperation by supporting staff exchange programs or joint research projects with experts from foreign countries like America, Canada, Japan. We also invite noted experts and scholars from home and abroad to lecture in our school. Moreover, our school has successfully hosted several national and international conferences, like Academic Conference on Inverse Problems of Scientific Computing and Mathematical Physics. Undergraduates and postgraduates in our school are also sponsored to take part in such academic conferences for exchange.  


Our school has developed a system of integrating curricular teaching and extracurricular scientific activities to enhance talent cultivation. For curricular teaching, Courses like Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Algebra, and Linear Algebrahave been entitled as provincial excellent courses.For extracurricular activities, students have achieved excellence in different national competitions of multi-disciplinary areas.

We have cultivated more than 5,000 graduates meeting the demands in the fields of telecommunications, financial industries, and high-tech industries like algorithmic modeling and software development, large data analysis, optoelectronic technology, physical testing and sensing technology, and computer programming.



Core Courses:Mathematical Model, Theory of Functions of Complex Variable, Theory of Functions of Real Variable, Mathematic and Physical Equation, Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, Modern Algebra.

Applied Statistics

Core Courses: Mathematical Statistics and SPSS Software Application, Applied Regression Analysis,Multivariable Statistics,Sampling Survey,Time Series Analysis


Core Courses: Mechanics, Thermology, Electromagnetics,Optics,Atomic Physics,Theoretical Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics,Solid State Physics,Mathematical Physics Method, Computational Physics and Scientific Software

Information Management and Information System

Core Courses: Management Information System,Data Mining,Big Data Analysis, Operational Research, Statistics,Prediction and Decision Analysis