Research Center for Jiangxi Opera

The Research Center for Jiangxi Opera, as Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities of Jiangxi Province, consistently strives to explore and collects the abundant opera and non-heritage cultural resources in Jiangxi Province. Recently, researchers in our center have undertaken more than 20 national research projects in topics such as Tang Xianzu and the Legends of Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties, Nuo Opera and Jiangxi Sacrifice Culture, Tea-picking Opera and Jiangxi Local Opera, and Soviet Red Opera. Our researchers have received many scientific achievements awards, and published over 20 academic monographs andabout 400 high-level academic publications. The major monographs includes Tang Xianzu BiographyThe History of Linchuan Local OperaLinchuan Nuo Culture, and A study on Jiang Shiquan.

Our center has a team of over 30 full-time researchers covering a wide range of disciplines, ten of which are professors with some provincial honors.  

Our center has co-hosted several influential activities, such as The 366th Anniversity of Tang Xianzus Death with the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Dramatists Association, and then Commemoration of the 900th Anniversary of Zeng Gong's Death and International Symposium with the Institute of Arts and Research, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In the past five years, our center has hosted some internationalsymposiums, like the Commemoration of the 811thAnniversary of Lu Xiangshan's Death and International Symposium, and the 2016 Tang Xianzu Drama Exhibition and International Summit Forum. We received positive feedback in the academia for these events.

Based on our scientific research achievements, our center actively engages in international exchange, organizing Eternal Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare Opera Workshops with the University of Leeds and British TNT Theatre, fostering the Chinese-British Youth dramatic performance exchange.

Sticking to the principle of serving local culture, our center actively offers advice and suggestions to local culture organizations in Jiangxi Province. Some monographs  like Linchuan Culture History, Linchuan Literature History and Linchuan Culture Book, are adopted by the local educational department and culture department. Moreover, our researchers have participated in local cultural projects, like evaluating the feasibility of the demonstrationson Tang Xianzu Memorial Hall, Celebrity Sculpture Park, Government Cultural Square. In addition, our center conducts over ten cultural lectures for the local government and culture department every year.