Speech from President

As the president of East China University of Technology (ECUT), I would like to extend my great thanks to all those who have supported and contributed to the development of our university.

ECUT was originally established for the Chinese nuclear industry, focusing on geological resources exploration, mining and the treatment of abandoned mines. After over 60 years of development, we have extended our education and research fields to chemistry, material engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, economics, literature, and arts.

The mission of ECUT is to educate the youth to live, to love, and to behave with good knowledge of humanity. Technically we train the students to be innovative, creative, and communicative with a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge. ECUT aims at training our students to become future leaders and contribute to the peaceful nuclear utility in the world, contributing to build a community with a shared future.  

We believe integrating globalization with our teaching and research will speed up our development, therefore, we would like to invite lecturers and experts world wide to join us. All the international students with a hope of studying and researching at ECUT are warmly welcomed.