Prof. Liu Yunhai - School of Chemistry, Biology, and Material Science


    LIU Yunhai, male, professor, PhD supervisor. Professor Yunhai Liu is the vice president of Jiangxi Nuclear Society, the committee member of Nuclear Society (Chemical Society) Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Branch, and the director of China Nuclear Society Nuclear Chemistry Branch. He is the special allowance of the State Council experts, win the Medal of May Fourth of Jiangxi Youth, is selected for the Jiangxi Provincial Academic and Technical Leaders Program of Major Disciplines, Jiangxi Provincial Ten Million Talents Project, and Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents Cultivation Program of the Ministry of Land and Resources, and is an editorial board member of the Journal of Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry, and a leader in the discipline of Nuclear Chemistry and Nuclear Chemical Engineering. He has been engaged in teaching and scientific research on radionuclide separation and radioactive contamination control for a long time. He has presided over more than 10 national and provincial scientific research projects, published more than 100 academic papers, one monograph and one textbook; won five terms of provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, and three terms of provincial teaching achievement awards. The academic team has long been committed to the separation of radionuclides and radioactive pollution control research work, for the recovery and reuse of China's uranium resources has made important contributions. 

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