Prof. LIU Yibao -School of Nuclear Science and Engineering


LIU Yibao, male, professor, PhD supervisor. Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University, and a visiting scholar at the University of Muenster, Germany. He is a member of the Nuclear Expert Group of the National Science and Technology Commission of the National Defense Science and Technology Industry, a member of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Society of Radiation Protection, a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nuclear Technology, and a candidate of the Jiangxi Province New Century Talent Project. young scientists training program, the Ministry of Education, nuclear power and other projects; won the second prize of the National Teaching Achievements 1, the first prize of the Provincial Teaching Achievements 2, the second prize of 4, won the second prize of the Provincial Colleges and Universities Scientific and Technological Achievements 1. He has published 3 academic books, more than 150 scientific and technical papers, 6 authorized patents, and supervised more than 80 doctoral and master's degree students.

Contact: 86-791-83837662