Prof WU Weicheng - School of Earth Sciences


    WU Weicheng, Professor, Supervisor of MSc and PhD students. Prof Dr Wu is PhD supervisor at ECUT, Associate Editor of the “International Journal of Remote Sensing”, Guest Editor of “Remote Sensing”, “International Journal of Geo-Information”, and “Land”. He was the chairman of the International Conference on Geo-Information Technology and Its Applications (ICGITA 2019), and scientific committee member of several international academic conferences. With 22 years of international working experience in the application of geo-information technology in the fields of environmental monitoring, resource assessment and early warning of natural disasters (such as flooding, landslides) in European universities and international organization (ICARDA), Prof Wu had participated in and partially led more than 20 international projects supported financially by the international consortia such as the European Union (EU), the European Space Agency (ESA), AusAID, CGIAR, IFAD, UNDP, WFP, etc. These R&D projects were located in Central and Western Asia and Northern Africa (CWANA), and the Mediterranean region. He has published more than 100 scientific papers in international journals such as Land Degradation and Development, and International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. In the past five years, he has given graduate courses such as Research Progress in Geography , Remote Sensing Processing and Approaches, Application of Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology and “Urban Remote Sensing and Applications of the AI Technologies”. Under his supervision, 1 PhD and 16 MS students have graduated in recent years, and supervision of 1 PhD student and 11 M.S. students is still in progress.