Prof. Zhang Zhibin - School of Chemistry, Biology, and Material Science


    ZHANG Zhibin, male, professor, PhD supervisor. Professor Zhibin Zhang is the Young Jinggang Scholar of Jiangxi Province, Outstanding Young Talent Funding Programme participant of Jiangxi Province and Light of the West visiting scholar. He has been engaged in the research of radionuclide separation, enrichment and pollution control, photocatalytic material design, synthesis and application. So far, he has presided five projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one project of the National Defence Basic Research Program, and four projects of the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province. He has published more than 80 SCI-indexed academic papers in Appl Catal B-Environ, Small, J Hazard Mater, Inorg Chem, Chem Eng J, Chin Chem Lettetc. as the first or corresponding author including five ESI highly cited papers and two hot papers. And also has published one academic monograph and authorized more than 10 patents (two transformed). He has won the first prize of Natural Science in Jiangxi Province and the third prize of China Nuclear Energy Industry Association Science and Technology.

    Contact: ;   86-18070409977